About Us

Life in Arkles Bay, NZ, for the Moore family surrounded by sea, bush and sanctuary, couldn’t get much better, or busier. We have a passion for nature that has included an outdoor lifestyle, organic gardening, free range chickens, not to mention three teenagers and a Border Collie named Jessie.
It was our love for life and nature that inspired the Wild-Card concept; presenting native birds and their song in a card. We wanted to make a quality gift made by nature lovers for nature lovers, but with a difference.
We wanted our cards to tell a story that shows the beauty, cleverness and personality of our wild life in New Zealand. A card that almost takes you there. We wanted to dramatize those things that we love about nature which we could now share with others.
To our surprise locals and tourists loved the concept. While the crescendo of voices to protect wild-life and value habitat flourished around us, so the market grew and we grew with it.
15 years on we continue to spread our wings across New Zealand; inspiring all to enjoy the beauty of New Zealand…providing a unique gift to share at home and abroad through our native bird Wild-Card range.
We hope you will enjoy our nature cards as much as we have enjoyed designing and creating them. You can purchase online from our Shop or you can first make your selection by viewing the cards and listening to the bird's song from our full Range.

Wild-Card is a family owned business based in Auckland, New Zealand.
The cards are made in New Zealand and all the photographs have been taken by professional photographers, or nature lovers, in the field. The bird songs in each card are very high quality professional recordings.
Each native bird card is a unique captured moment of nature making it a perfect gift for special occasions, nature lovers, bird lovers and those looking for a memento of Aotearoa.